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DPB800 is a dry concentrated direct-fed microbial (probiotics) for feed topdress. It is designed to optimize the systemic functions of aquatic animals. DPB800 is a blend of multiple species to achieve the highest levels of systemic toxin elimination, enhanced immune response and maximized absorption of feed.

The inclusion of very specific functional species in the feed relieves stress and optimizes the digestion system of farmed species. The consistent inclusion of DPB800 in the feed balances the intestinal flora of the animals, improves appetite and helps to defend against toxins and pathogens through competitive exclusion.

Benefits for using
  • Dry concentrated direct-fed microbial on enhanced amino acid carrier
  • Increases feed efficiency through better absorption of nutrients
  • Balances intestinal bacterial flora and optimizes bacteria population
  • Efficiently controls systemic toxins and pathogens through competitive exclusion
  • Reduces mortality
Sizes Available

Available in 18kg pail, 22kg bag, and 1MT pallets. Mix well before use.

Contact your rep for application rates and suggested feeding protocols.



Handling and Storage

Store this product out of direct sunlight in a cool (under 38° C) dry area. For best results, use within 24 months. Apply only as intended. Though this product is non-toxic and nonhazardous, it is not suitable for human consumption. The manufacturer assumes no liability, expressed or implied, in the use of this product. Request a DPB800 SDS for more specific information. Made in the USA.